Day 1 – Closing

HandyCon 2024 | Day 1 - Closing - YouTube

(00:03) [Music] got a [Music] video all right so that's a wrap this is a quick one just to go through make sure we cover the agenda sessions of the today but I think we just kind of wrapped up with migs and and uh uh with Margie and migs so thank you all for being part of day one handic con 2024 fourth annual and uh get some rest and we will see you tomorrow I guess I could just uh I have a Google sheet but I think it's also on the website uh I'll just quickly if you want to stick around you can just head off but this is a little bit of a
(01:05) secret spreadsheet but we finished day one so tomorrow we'll have the welcoming same start time or even earlier it looks like I think Ann wants to kill me this is my time so 1:30 a.m. my time um I might skip that if that's okay cuz 1:30 a.m. is a little bit early but uh 11:40 uh Pacific time we'll have the intro and then we have some great people you know some new people and um it's a full it's a full list full list of things you can check on 2024 handy.
(01:44) XYZ for tomorrow's and then on day three we're going to have the auction um starting a little bit later at 1M Pacific so tomorrow is is a really early start but um then on the day three Friday Western time is the auction to start and then we're going to have name base hns uh warp speed with JJ Founders Community the talks and q&as and then closing and networking so it's another full I think tomorrow is even more than today so it's a full action-packed day tomorrow and uh thank you for hanging
(02:21) out with us and uh we will see you tomorrow bye-bye hey