Loadpipe: Bridging Web3 & E-Commerce

HandyCon 2024 | Day 1 - Loadpipe: Bridging Web3 & E-Commerce - YouTube

(00:03) [Music] oh all right thank you yeah that was a sponsor our community sponsor us swap. XYZ uh Alex n people know the community so thanks for uh supporting today's this session is uh is a great one for me actually started from last handic con we are uh bo and I are part of a Partners in a New Foundation starting we're calling it a spiritual successor of purse.
(00:56) io I think a lot of you know purse.io was restructured and load pipe and will be sharing as our our CTO co-founder of the foundation liip Foundation we'll be sharing you a bit about it um and we're also of course very supportive of handshake and handshake names in this uh as well but I'll without further Ado we have a short session so I mean I think there's a lot to cover I'm gonna pass it to to Bo to uh to share yeah hey everyone also yeah I hope you don't mind me like sort of lounging seductively while I give this
(01:27) talk what is functionally a prison uh in in in London um so anyway like uh let's go into a conference tomorrow so let's let's talk a little bit about load pipe uh the future of blockchain e-commerce um one thing we all know Amazon sucks and maybe it doesn't suck for you if you're a consumer because like one day shipping is kind of nice but it sucks especially for vendors and it is increasingly sucky for vendors um why they because of things like predatory pricing um so there is a very famous example of Amazon losing a
(02:03) hundred million um in order to drive a competitor diapers.com out of business because they wouldn't sell to Amazon and this is not a one-off thing Amazon does this to vendors all the time by cornering portions of the market and remaining unprofitable longer than their competitors can remain solvent um they also have an opaque opaque to they give arbitrary banss out um you when you sign up for Amazon have to agree to their terms of service which nobody ever reads um and then they can close your account uh indiscriminately
(02:35) often with no recourse um and you you know it's not just a problem with Amazon it's a problem with centralization in general so we can see this in Facebook and Instagram you know Twitter to some degree X I suppose um but we have to beg for our profiles back when they decide that we violated some rule that we didn't know existed um and so whether you're a buyer or seller Within These centralized platforms it doesn't matter you are the product right um You are the thing the data that's being sold um and
(03:08) this is a known problem especially I'm not you know I'm preaching to the choir here I'm sure uh in this in this SE um but yeah the in the emperor cannot insulted in these um these centralized platforms because they have total control and power uh so when we're talking about the e-commerce Marketplace or the the uh the e-commerce landscape there are a couple of like emergent markets some of them less emergent than others but they're all centralized and siloed you have a profile you have product data everything is controlled by
(03:40) those sort of central siloed um zones of sovereignty and this is sort of the problem it's about power they have all the power in these platforms and you have as a user none of the power they own your data they own your profile they own you uh because it doesn't matter if you're a buyer or seller you're the product and so the what we're trying to accomplish in building um the load pipe protocol as well as Hamza Marketplace is to take our online sovereignty back social sovereignty back and specifically
(04:11) our data sovereignty back within the e-commerce Marketplace but how well we simply build a new Amazon um and that might sound trivial to you like wow super easy let's just build a new Amazon but let's think for a second about what makes an Amazon and I'm obviously oversimplifying and um taking a lot of the uh you know context away but what they operate from a business perspective is a multivendor Marketplace which is a website that has product cataloges has business logic and has a user interface they have a dispute
(04:44) resolution system which we ALS talked about is a little bit opaque and centrally controlled and they have a corporation that extracts profit from this website as well as directs profits or you know directs funds and revenue towards business operations to continue operating their multivendor Marketplace so what are we building in Hamza uh first we're building a multivendor Marketplace it's crypto native it's multivendor support and at at least at first will be centrally curated um and so this is a a bit of a
(05:16) look behind the curtain is what as what it'll look like um this should actually be up on our test site h. OEM 6.com if you want to visit it by Friday um because we're entering some things in p on so we'll need to be actually posting it up but our timeline which I'll get to a little bit later is looking a little bit more like May But first you have to operate a multivendor Marketplace okay well you know we accept crypto payments there's nothing super crypto about it or nothing you know uniquely advantageous
(05:46) at least you know at first glance from being uh in a crypto ecosystem and what okay so now we have just one big you know uh crypto Marketplace that's attempting to uh you know replace Amazon no not trying to create one centrally controlled crypto enabled Marketplace instead uh let's take a look at the lens protocol if any of you are familiar with it lens is a decentralized social protocol uh that runs a sort of social layer um on top of the um polygon blockchain um that controls that you know allows people to buy n or uh to
(06:26) create user profiles as nfts and then all of their posts and comments and likes are also construed as a in this social graph and then indexed by the lens protocol so then any developer can come along and build a social app using their underlying blockchain infrastructure and the underlying social graph that they're producing well why does this relate to what we're doing well we in parallel with building this Marketplace are working with a group of shadowy uh shadowy you know super coders who are building an e-com mer primitive
(07:01) protocol and that e-commerce primitive protocol I can't talk too much about um but we'll handle vendor profiles online or on chain in much the same way that lens protocol does a decentralized product catalog which means that we don't have to maintain the databases for products um and trustless transaction settlement which means that all that a frontend Marketplace will have to do with integrate those payment um Services rather than having to build them themselves or to trust that they're integrating right correctly or you know
(07:31) so on and so forth um I won't talk anymore about what that project is but uh if you want to pay attention to the developments in the ethereum ecosystem that project will demo at East Dubai um in about a month from now and so that's that's a team that we're working closely with integrating so the idea is that we build an e-commerce Marketplace that has a lot of the data and social profiles stored on chain so that we're not necessarily the only Marketplace that can make use of these larger um you know
(08:05) superstructures or um you know this blockchain infrastructure but more than that we're building out a dow system um a dow to govern the marketplace and administer the marketplace so not only are we replacing parts of the uh you know backend physical infrastructure the databases that Amazon would operate to maintain its product catalog as well as it's uh you know like uh user uh cataloges and everything like that we're also building out a way to replace the corporate structure of Amazon and actually make decisions about how the
(08:40) marketplace should function um the guiding principle and and I am a like a dow specialist so this is this is actually my area of expertise um but the thing that we're trying to accomplish is to simplify the decision- making um of people who are administering uh you know Dow any sort of Dow related things you don't want want Dows to be you don't want people to be making decisions that they aren't qualified to make you want to be able to make work streams you want to be able to to focus um people's uh
(09:09) decision- making on the things that are actually relevant to them um and so there's only a few different genres of decisions that a dow would actually have to make and at various levels of consent um Marketplace fees adding and removing judges from a dispute resolution um system that we're also building out as part of the Dow structure creating working groups um which again is like sort of uh giving budgets to uh teams of people who have a um mandate to go and do a job whether that's like development or marketing um or vendor
(09:46) relations you know so on and so forth you can create budgets out of a dow um treasury in order to administer the business and then the token incentive rates for various functions uh within the ecosystem and that would be things like um releasing escro funds on time if you're a buyer or um delivering products on time if you're a seller um or leaving good reviews uh if you are a buyer and you can we you can we can attest to the fact that you bought a product from a vendor which is something that we can do
(10:18) as a result of the the uh primitive protocol so we're rewarding good behavior within the ecosystem and good behavior equals more power because as a result of the good behavior were Distributing more of the governance token which means that buyers and sellers who uh buyers and sellers judges reviewers and moderators who interact with the system in a way that continues to grow the ecosystem um and continues to like you know make for a good marketplace where people are following the rules of Commerce that have been set
(10:50) up by the Dow end up with more power in deciding what is are the rules of Commerce what products can be listed what vendors should uh you know should be kicked from the platform for instance um because again you you it's not as though like Banning people is always bad sometimes you have to ban Bad actors but you need that process to be transparent and you need uh there to be accountability mechanisms for the people that are making those decisions and so that's that's the Dow systems that we're
(11:21) building right good behavior more power in deciding uh these different simplified uh you know parameters for how the Dow functions and so it's this whole idea of we're we're building a system where you can buy sell and own the system itself where it's not a purely extractive model not not a purely extractive centralized monolithic model like Amazon uh but something that allows uh more Market participation that allows um more marketplaces toise um so a little overview of where what our road map looks like and some
(11:56) simple diagrams to go along with it um by you know again we should have something up by Friday um but we're looking for like a full launch of our uh site by May of 20124 that will involve us having you know a fair amount of centralization uh Dows as I say are always moving from dictatorship to democracy uh so when when you're small and when you're building uh you have to be nimble and be able to make decisions quickly and when when those systems are tested um and aifi then you want to start really
(12:29) really losing power and and decentralizing it from uh a Central Committee and and start rewarding people who are interacting in a good way then we'll start integrating the data protocolization and start testing out the Dow structures and then by November of 2024 we hope to have simple Dow structures at both levels so so both the social layer as well as the individual Marketplace layer there's a lot of complication there that I'm sort of like hand waving over um but but yeah that's that's the sort of simple uh road map
(13:01) we're not trying to be a central you know One Marketplace we hope that many many marketplaces actually arise given the framework that we allow you know that that we build for them to build new marketplaces new marketplaces in new jurisdictions servicing different products and different buyers um where people own their data and can leave and move to different marketplaces if they don't like the one that they're um operating in because if we really want to kill the emperor uh you know then then it it's not just one person right
(13:30) like we're all Spartacus in that um and so yeah come and join us ham. Biz is where our WordPress site like our sort of beta test WordPress site is up and you can scan the QR code here and come and join us in our Discord join our community calls join our tokenomics session which we have one on Friday as well um but yeah we're developing in the open and we would love for uh anybody to come along who's interested in the project yeah thanks so much Bo it's been pleasure yeah to to work with you and uh
(13:58) yeah we've been kind of a little bit on the on the I guess building quiets but we're going to be more active and as far as I mentioned chat we're going to you know I think handshake names are perfect to use uh for this for e-commerce you know I think the web too really took off a lot with e-commerce using e-commerce uh domains for your e-commerce store so we're hopefully going to use that for usernames and and storefronts and marketplaces too as this develops but yeah thank you so much Bo we have
(14:24) another session and the speaker already says he's got a lot to share so and he's a but this was really great uh and um excited he's in East London right now representing at the hackathon and pragma so thanks for all you and uh thank you everyone for tuning in hey thanks for having me on and yeah if you have any specific questions feel free to jump in the Discord on zero Expo on there um but yeah thank thanks for listening y'all a [Music] thanks